Not all of us will be able to have the garden we desire this year. I’m one of those people. I got tired of having fruits and vegetables go bad within days of purchasing them from grocery store. Last year I made the decision to get home delivery from a Colorado business called Farm to Fork*. I get to choose my items or choose to get surprises when I don’t. The produce stays fresh longer and is delicious. The cost is $31/delivery--less than I usually paid at the grocery store!

If you can’t get out to your local farmers market, there are options. Many communities have CSA box programs* for local produce pickup or delivery. There are also national companies that offer produce delivery. Here's a great list from EcoWatch*, but there are others out there.
It feels good to be supporting the farmers. These fruits and vegetables are great too because you don’t have to worry about hundreds of people coughing and sneezing over them or handling them at the grocery store.
If you are concerned about keeping your produce fresh, check out an experiment that my daughter in law did with our wet bags:

The picture on the left is a new head of lettuce she purchased, and the picture on the right is that same head of lettuce--after being forgotten for 16 days. (she had intended to take pictures every 2 days or so). The outer leaves were wilted, but the rest of the lettuce was fresh and crisp.
*No moneys or other awards were exchanged for this article.