What is the best part about spring? Pushing the kids outside! Ha! It’s been a long winter and my boys are ready to start playing outdoors. We get out the bikes, the sidewalk chalk, and the sports balls to play as much as we can before the sun comes down. Watching the squirrels, rabbits and birds is something else we enjoy doing. This got me thinking. We need a bird feeder!
I found the simplest, cutest DIY idea to do with the kids. It uses empty toilet paper rolls!

DIY Bird Feeders for Kids
What you need to gather:
Toilet paper rolls - gather how many bird feeders you want to make.
Peanut butter (or I’ve seen honey used instead) and spreader
Bird seed and container to hold it in. Big enough to hold the toilet paper roll.
String, yarn, or twine

Easy instructions:
Find a space that is easy to clean up. We use a plastic placemat.
Spread the peanut butter all over the outside of the toilet paper roll. Don’t leave any spaces uncovered.
Roll it in your container of bird seed and watch how easily it sticks.
Let completely dry.
Cut your twine about 2ft or to your desired length. String it through the middle of the roll and tie the ends together.
Hang on to your favorite branch and watch the birds come!
Visit my post on Upcycled DIY Outdoor Games for Kids and how you can use items you would throw away or recycle to make 3 games - Baseball Can Toss, Bozo's Grand Prize Game, and Tic Tac Toe.
What other ideas do you have to keep the kids busy this spring?
This guest post is written by Courtney, a crunchy mama of 3 boys, who is passionate about healthy living and keeping her home green. Check out her blog at CrunchyBeachMama.com